CAF: here are the new thresholds for receiving your family allowances in 2024

CAF: here are the new thresholds for receiving your family all04

The resource ceilings for family allowances have been updated for 2024. Here is the aid you will receive according to your income.
The decision was announced by a decree published in the Official Journal. The resource ceilings taken into account to receive family allowances in 2024, paid by the CAF or the agricultural social mutuality, have been raised by 1.6% compared to those of 2024, to take into account the rise in consumer prices. consumption.

This increase of 1,

6% is significantly lower than the 5.2% inflation recorded in 2024, according to INSEE. And for good reason. It is based on the income of the year N-2 of the beneficiaries, therefore 2024 in this case. And that year, inflation was 1.6%.

"It is the categorical net income of 2024 that will be taken into account for 2024, that is,
i.e. all income (salaries, income from land and furniture, agricultural profits, etc.) less charges (alimony, costs of care for the elderly, etc.) and tax allowances (person over 65, person invalid, etc.),” explains the service-public site.
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No maximum amount of income

As a reminder, family allowances are paid monthly to people with at least 2 dependent children under 20 years of age. The amount of the allowances varies according to the number of dependent children, their age,

but also household resources. However, there is no maximum amount for receiving family allowances.

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As shown in the table below, a household with two children with resources below 71,194 euros will receive 139.

83 euros per month of family allowances, compared to 34.96 euros for a household with income above 94,893 euros.
2024 resource ceilings for family allowances (Source
Note that a monthly increase is applied for children aged 14 and over. It varies between 69.92 euros and 17.49 euros,
depending on household resources.

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